Save hours finding reference images. Concept instantly in your style.

Meet your custom AI model, owned by you.

Explore models

Own what you create

All images you create and upload belong to you.

Pick a model to start generating illustrations

Blunge has a range of pre-made models you can explore and generate with.

Train your own private model
Open Peeps in Color
Open Peeps in Color
Pixel Art
Pixel Art

Empowering creatives at next-gen teams

Redback logo
Petzyo logo
Maxemise logo

Train your own private model

Use your art to create a custom model that generates in your style.

Your images, your private model

Your models are private and fully owned by you.
We only use your uploaded images to train your private AI model. You retain full ownership of all inputs and outputs, and your images are never used for any other purpose.

Putting the power of AI in the hands of creatives.

It significantly reduces my concepting time, I didn’t find AI useful until Blunge.

Han, Seoul

Knowing my IP is completely protected gives me the piece of mind I don’t have with other products.

Charlie, London

It’s like ideas keep flowing from Blunge. It’s unlocked endless creative possibilities.

Jo, Brisbane

I love it! This gives me fresh ideas I hadn’t considered before, all in my style.

Diana, Paris