Create your custom model in minutes
Concept instantly in your style and save hours every week. 30-day free trial.
Upload 10+ images that represent your brand or style
We work our magic and train your custom AI model
Get email access to your private model in 1-2 business days, and begin generating!
Your images, your private model
Your models are private and fully owned by you.
We only use your uploaded images to train your private AI model. You retain full ownership of all inputs and outputs, and your images are never used for any other purpose.
Speed up your creative workflow
Generate & refine with AI. Export & complete anywhere.

Generate your own reference images, instantly
Turn hours of concepting into minutes

Tweak images with inpainting
Select any area and tweak it with AI instantly

Export graphics to SVG
Export generated images as PNG or SVG to use in your projects
"Blunge is an ideation supertool for creatives. Using AI to 10x the creative output of artists is a game changer."